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CareerMason is a flexible online program that equips you with the skills, tools and motivation you need to win the jobs you want and build a fulfilling career. Designed for a wide range of job seekers who want to become career builders—and anyone who wants to compete more effectively in the talent market.

Image by Paweł Czerwiński
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Featuring three smart tools to build your brand, tell your story, and find your fit. Integrating expert methods, behavioral development, the neuroscience of storytelling, and data-driven artificial intelligence insights—these tools are fun, easy-to-use, and they work. And there's a cheeky coachbot ready to guide you along the way.

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A natural approach to career building based on five timeless truths.


Develop the career competence you need to get jobs you really like.




of people don’t like their jobs

Young bearded smiling man with books in

Learn to develop a

healthy relationship with work.

Jim got a job he loves

Jill is building a great career.


CareerMason is the only career program focused on job satisfaction.

It’s not just about getting a job. It’s about building career competence so you can get a job that fits. Where your ideas are appreciated, your contributions valued, and your skills developed.


And it’s not about a single success. It’s about getting jobs you really like—again and again. Because people have 15-20 jobs during their working life. If you want economic security and jobs that don’t stress you out, you need career competence.


Why don't more people invest in their own career competence?

It’s not a matter of money. It’s because it takes time and effort. Their time and effort. So they put it off.

But some people are different. They want more. They’re willing to invest in themselves and a better future.

So you have to ask yourself—what are increased lifetime earning power, protection from unemployment, higher job satisfaction, and improved health and well-being worth to me?

Legs in white sneakers with bright orang


There will be no wasting of time or money here.


We are all well-intentioned. We all want interesting satisfying jobs. But not everybody is ready to take the first step toward a better life.


CareerMason is for people who want a better future and are willing to do something about it now. People who know they need career help and understand the benefits of investing in themselves. 


Is this you? Be honest.

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We give you everything you need to succeed.

  • Comprehensive program

  • Powerful tools

  • Expert advice and guidance

  • Instant feedback

  • Proven strategies

  • Flexible process

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CareerMason is for people who want to get jobs they really like and build fulfilling careers. People who want choices. People who want economic security in good times and bad.

It’s for career changers, college students, people who want a promotion, people re-entering the workforce, part-timers who want full-time, and just about everyone else who cares how they spend most of their day.

CareerMason has three smart integrated tools.

  • ImageMason to help you build your brand.

  • StoryMason to help you tell your story.

  • JourneyMason to help you find your fit.


Plus a career coachbot to help guide the way.


It’s the best way to build career competence and ensure a bright future.

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